Why become a YellowBird Pro?
Strong hourly rates, paid quickly

The average hourly rate for working YellowBird Pros is $97.50. Pros are paid just two business days after job completion.
Work when it works for you

YellowBird Pros enjoy flexible hours. Accept the jobs that match your skills and fit your schedule.
Build a safety network

With thousands of Pros in the YellowBird community, you have access to events, resources and upskilling opportunities.

YellowBird has you covered.
YellowBird Pros receive insurance coverage that includes:
+ Occupational Accident Coverage
+ Professional Liability Insurance
+ Hired/Non-Owned Auto Coverage
Here’s what you need to become a YellowBird Pro:
• Have at least one year of EHS experience
• Clear a background check
• Have a customer-centric mentality
• Be organized and have strong communication skills
• Must have basic technology know-how
• Valid driver’s license
• Proof of certifications (Ex: CSP, CIH, etc.)
• Updated resume




What YellowBird Pros have to say:
“I have been working with YellowBird almost from the time I started as an independent consultant in 2020. It has been exhilarating and rewarding working with YellowBird to help grow and enhance my business. The concept is perfect for me because it allows me to augment the workload I have with my full-time clients while also allowing me to share my skills with clients who need and lack in-house knowledge. Anyone looking to supplement their work or clients who need specialized resources should check out YellowBird. The diversity and skillsets are unmatched.”

-YellowBird Pro, Joined 2020
“I have been a Pro with YellowBird for approximately 18 months. My experience has been nothing but positive. The interactions with the YellowBird support staff has been professional and supportive. The level of response and coordination with YellowBird’s clients has been very good. Their clients have been easy to work with, and their level of service to me is extremely encouraging. I am excited to work more with YellowBird as they continue to grow and gain more customer base.”

– YellowBird Pro, Joined 2021
“I just completed my first project with YellowBird and it was a good experience. There was good communication and support throughout the process. Expectations were clear and manageable, and we were able to meet the client’s expectations. I was provided with appropriate guidance throughout the process and also given the latitude needed to work well with the client as a professional. The platform was easy and intuitive. The end result of the project was that the client is requesting additional service. Throughout the process, I felt as though I am part of a team. I am looking forward to future projects.”

– YellowBird Pro, Joined 2021
Connect with Our Team
Fill out the form below to connect with YellowBird.

Is there work in my area?
YellowBird has completed work in all 50 states and our sales team is actively working with customers to support their safety needs through a wide range of health, environment, safety and risk management services. This also includes programmatic opportunities nationwide that create ample job opportunities for YellowBird Pros to work with our customers.
Do I get paid through YellowBird or through the other company?
YellowBird Pros are 1099 contractors. We pay our Pros within 48 business hours of the job being completed and accepted by the customer.
Is there a subscription fee to be a YellowBird Pro?
It is FREE to become a YellowBird Pro. Accept job invitations when desired and convenient, while enjoying the additional benefits through our Canary Club partners. There is also no penalty for declining a job invitation.