Why You Should Have a Return to Work Plan in Place Before Reopening the Office
Being ahead of the curve is always a good thing. And in the case of Coronavirus, helping flatten the curve is even better.
One way you can do this is by making sure your workspace is ready to return. YellowBird has a Return to Work protocol where we can deem your workspace safe to return with scientific evidence. Through air flow testing, air quality testing, surface sampling, and a full understanding of the current set up of your workspace, we can provide you with a Move Forward plan tailored to your space. This includes administrative controls, sanitization recommendations, lab analysis of your workspace, and a communication plan for your employees.
Why should you care about this now instead of waiting for a return to the office date? Even if you don’t have a firm date on the books, this is a great tool to boost employee confidence. By having a YellowBird professional complete the protocol and implementing the recommendations, you can go to your employees and let them know exactly what has been done to the workspace so it’s a safe environment once more.
Having this protocol completed while your office sits empty is the best way to gain employee confidence before they return by allowing the time for the correct controls to be put in place. In addition, we offer an Evergreen package where we can return once a quarter for the next year to assess the workspace and provide new recommendations based on the evolving Coronavirus.
Are you at a loss of where to start on getting your employees back into the office? YellowBird can help get you and your employees safely back into the workspace.
Depending on your location, there is grant money available to help with this unexpected expense. Below, we’ll break down some options and how you can apply for the funds that will boost your employee confidence.
Economic Injury Disaster Loan Advance (Part of the CARES Act: The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act)
This loan advance will provide up to $10,000 of economic relief to businesses that are currently experiencing temporary difficulties. Learn more here.
Express Business Loan (Part of the CARES Act: The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act)
This loan enables small businesses who currently have a business relationship with an SBA Express Lender to access up to $25,000 quickly.
California: COVID Rapid Reemployment and Retraining Pilot
This grant covers a start-up visit per normal procedures. The pilot is available for California small to medium businesses until December 31, 2020. This grant has a $2,000 maximum per employee, and a total maximum of $200,000 per employer. Learn more here
Arizona: Rapid Employment Job Training Grant
This grant is for organizations (both public and private) who are hiring new employees between March 1, 2020, and September 1, 2020. This grant is to provide training to these new employees including Coronavirus response training. This grant has a $5,000 maximum per employee, and a total maximum of $1.3 million per employer.